A. There is some difference between acting in and being detailed to an SES position. OPM defines “acting” to mean a situation in which (for instance) a Deputy’s position description includes authority and responsibility to perform the duties of an SES-level Director’s position in that Director’s absence. This “acting” authority is meant to cover a short-term absence or vacancy. When an acting assignment extends to the lengths of time discussed in 5 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 317.903, the provisions of that section, including requirements for competition, apply. These restrictions are appropriate, since the opportunity to serve under detail in an SES position may provide an advantage in competing for SES positions in the future. OPM regulations on details to SES positions are found at 5 CFR 317.903. Under that section, a detail includes “the temporary assignment of a non-SES member to an SES position, with the expectation that the employee will return to the official position of record upon expiration of the detail.” The regulation provides that, “For purposes of pay and benefits, the employee continues to encumber the position from which detailed.” That is, a GS-15 who is detailed to an SES position continues to be paid at the GS-15 rate of pay of his or her position of record.
Paragraph (b) of the regulation (5 CFR 317.903) describes procedures and time lengths for detailing a non-SES member to an SES position. It requires agencies to use competitive procedures for any detail exceeding 240 days. Agencies must receive OPM approval before detailing for longer than 240 days a non-SES member to an SES position that supervises other members of the SES.