SES Career Resources

Man in Suit Holding a BriefcaseConsidering a job with the Senior Executive Service? As one of the most coveted and competitive career paths, it is essential to empower yourself with as many helpful resources as possible to make your job search productive. View the list of SES career resources below to find everything from general information, to a list of Federal agencies, to other resources to help you along the way.

Who Is Suited for the Senior Executive Service?

You are.

As an experienced leader, you have built a career based on visionary leadership and you’re accustomed to identifying solutions to complex challenges and then directing the implementation within budget and scope. You inspire followers, you have the capacity and drive to create change, where necessary, and you have the acumen and political astuteness to effectively lead and not simply manage. As you look toward your second career, why not serve your country as a member of the Senior Executive Service?

As soon as you start considering a position in the Senior Executive Service, it is a great idea to contact us for an initial discussion. We have years of experience in preparing people just like you to enter honorable and critical positions in the federal government and it is our pleasure to have an initial conversation with you, free of charge.

We think you’ll find that putting our expertise to work on your behalf will make the difference in having you become an SES candidate finalist. It costs nothing to have that initial discussion, so please don’t hesitate to make the call.

Free consult & quote get started


General SES Career Resources & Information


Where to Search for Federal Jobs


For Students & Recent Graduates


Veteran Career Resources

Person Writing with a Pen

Working with ex-military members transitioning from the military to the Senior Executive Service (SES) is our strength. It has been an honor for us to have assisted so many members of the military as they transitioned to civilian or federal jobs. So many military members have developed the experience, leadership, and skills needed to fill important federal government positions at very high levels, including the Senior Executive Service. It is our privilege to do our very best to prepare you for your second career and our goal is to make sure your candidate application is determined to be best qualified.

These veteran resource links are compiled and presented to help military veterans find assistance and information for a variety of military services and post-service needs. We are not only committed to your military transition and career development, but we also want to provide guidance for other areas of concern as you exit the service. Thank you for your service, and let us know if we can be of assistance.

Other Veteran Resources

More SES Career Resources from SESWriters