Your Executive Core Qualifications must include knowledge of the current 28 leadership competencies and fundamental characteristics. In addition, you must demonstrate a firm grasp of CCAR and executive level writing styles, understand length requirements and limitations, as well as highlight your best personal examples for each of the five ECQs.
Senior Executive Service candidates who are selected and offered positions must then have their ECQs submitted to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Qualifications Review Board (QRB). Your ECQs will be reviewed by the QRB and then certified in order to be placed into an SES position. Each ECQ should be one to two pages in length with a maximum of ten pages for all five ECQs.
Your ECQs may be used for multiple SES applications. Once you become a member of the SES, the criteria upon which you are evaluated are the ECQs, therefore it is crucial to continue to leverage your demonstrated executive competencies after applying for and securing an SES position..