
SES Federal Government Hiring Process

Client Testimonial

Long story, short… Lee made my accomplishments sound fantastic and I am proud to say my ECQs passed OPM’s review. I am starting my SES career in 3 weeks!!! I couldn’t have done it without [CPG].


What You Need for the SES Hiring Process

The hiring process begins with an application, which will depend on the position you’re applying for. Your application will generally include:

  • Your resume: Your resume can be up to five pages and should focus on the past 10 years of your professional experience. Some federal agencies are requesting three to four page resume maximum. Start each HEADLINE or bullet point with an active verb, and avoid using the word “I.” Use different examples than the ones you used in your ECQs and TQs, and best practice may be to tailor your resume for each SES position so that it best reflects the needs of that position.
  • Five ECQs (Executive Core Qualifications): The five ECQs of SES applications are Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Business Acumen and Building Coalitions. Each of these ECQs is required for SES positions, and you’ll want to write them in the first person and ensure your stories are those that demonstrate executive leadership. Each one should not be longer than two pages and should clearly demonstrate your qualification. As with TQs, use the CCAR structure if possible, and use specific stats or metrics where you can. ECQs are stories and do not involve your technical expertise.
  • Multiple TQs (Technical Qualifications): Some applications will not require this element, while others will require two or three. When you’re writing these, you’ll want to create a story for every skill and ability you list, preferably using a Challenge-Context-Action-Result(CCAR) structure.
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How Long Does the SES Hiring Process Take?

Since there is an extensive recruiting, evaluation, and approval process before an appointment is made, the entire process can take several months, even though the application window may be short. Since the SES positions are filled by accomplished, visionary leaders, you will know that you are among the best of the best when you are selected to fill one of these vital federal positions. Let us help you get there.

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How SES Writers Can Help You With the SES Hiring Process

Writing an application and resume for the SES process is challenging, and these positions are highly competitive. To get an edge, you may need someone who has successfully helped place professionals in these coveted positions. Having the skills is a great start, but you need to be able to communicate it persuasively to the reviewing boards.

When you want to make sure you end up on the “best qualified” candidates list, remember that working with professionals is an advantage. SES Writers is a team of professionals who have four decades of experience in creating resumes, including SES hiring process applications. We have a 99.6% customer satisfaction rating, in part because we provide nuanced and professional assistance and in part because we help clients land their dream jobs. We’ve already enabled more than 70,000 clients to become success stories, and we’ve helped create more than 5,000 SES applications.

At SES Writers, we’ve written the book Roadmap to the Senior Executive Service, 2nd Edition on landing your dream job. Literally! Our team has published three well-reviewed books about careers and job hunting. We’ve also been humbled by seven nominations for the TORI (Toast of the Resume Industry) awards. Our team has multiple certifications, including Master Military Resume Writer (MMRW), Master Federal Career Advisor (MFCA), Master Senior Executive Writer, Master Federal Resume Writer (MFRW) and Master Federal Career Advisor/Trainer (MFCA/T).

Behind the scenes, we’re the only career service company to use a quality management system, which means we have a process in place to ensure that every resume goes through a comprehensive editing stage and through proofreading, allowing us to stand behind every resume.

We’re so confident that we offer an industry-leading 5-point guarantee. To learn more about how we can help you with your SES application, contact SES Writers today.

Start The SES Hiring Process

Get started! Elevate Your Career.

Your Partner in Career Growth

We will provide a no-cost career consult to determine the type of resume and level of composition and presentation. Then we will relay a customized quote based on your requirements and goals. Finally, with your agreement, we will assign one of our Master Senior Executive Writers to work with you in developing your presentation.

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