
Five Page SES-ECQ Resumes

Client Testimonial

Karl, I made the first cut for the DOL CDP using the 5-Page ECQ resume you created for me. Thank you so much!


Best Practices in SES Applications

The SES ECQ resume focuses on leadership experience, challenges, results, and stories that represent your best achievements and expertise over the past 10 years.

  • Write clearly and concisely.
  • Display your real-world leadership qualities.
  • Write through the lens of the hiring authority.
  • Identify your recent jobs and major accomplishments from the past 10 years.
  • Use metrics and qualitative results to describe relevant accomplishments and results.
  • Pay attention to the aesthetics and flow of your application.
  • Be sure to proofread thoroughly and correct any errors.

Why Hire Us to Develop Your Five-Page SES ECQ Resume

You will experience several benefits if you decide to utilize a professional SES writing service. CareerPro Global ( is a trusted authority with multiple federal agency contracts for training leadership candidates how to write SES ECQ applications and interview for SES jobs. With over 5,000 SES candidates served and counting, our full-time senior executive writing team is on the cutting edge of changes relating to SES application development practices. We wrote the first book, Roadmap to the Senior Executive Service, now in its second edition.

Our SES writing team is known as the go-to when SES applicants’ self-written ECQs fail the Qualifications Review Board (QRB). They come straight to us for the only second chance given. We’re proud of our track record and success in securing hundreds and hundreds of SES jobs over the years.

Our clients are saying:

“This is the best investment I ever made—investing in myself.”

“Wow, this is Harvard level writing, and I could have never developed this myself.”

“My ECQs sailed through the QRB without any changes.”

As the leaders in SES and ECQ writing, training, and interviewing, take the next step and call the experts. You’ll be impressed how much you’ll learn about yourself, and we’ll show you the way to capture that all-important interview and pass the QRB.

Sample ECQ-based SES Resume

Get Started! Elevate Your Career.

Contact SES Writers Today

Filling out a five-page SES ECQ resume can be challenging to do on your own. Contact SES Writers for expert assistance and coaching in SES applications today.

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